Tour Request Form

Welcome to the Radiation Science and Engineering Center! We conduct tours of the facility and demostrations of the reactor for people of all ages and backgrounds. Part of the mission here to deliver innovative educational programs and hands-on laboratory exercises to advance societal knowledge of nuclear science and engineering and we'd be happy for you to be a part of it!

Please fill out the form below or email our Outreach Coordinator, Zach, at to set up your visit. In the meantime, you can watch a reactor start-up in the follow video:

Thank you for taking time to complete the form, we hope to see you soon!

  • Tours are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis.
  • A minimum of two weeks lead time is requested. We strongly recommend a larger lead time for tours in the spring.

Contact Information:

Name of Group:

Name of Contact Person:

Contact E-mail:

Contact Phone - for tour arrangement discussion:

Cell Phone - day of tour:

Mailing Address:

Mailing Address 2 (optional):



ZIP Code:

Group Information:

Please give several dates in order of preference. If only one possible date, please indicate that:

Anticipated Arrival Time:

Departure Time:

Total Number of People (groups larger than 25 require special arrangements):
Adults:     Students:  

Special Considerations/Additional Comments - If there are any special needs of the group (physical limitations, etc.) If they have other appointments on campus or are trying to collaborate with other departments - we need to know that as timing may be limited.

Description of attendees - Who exactly is attending? Is your group a club organization? What are your interests? Is there anything in particular that you'd like to know about or see within the RSEC?

Does anyone in your group have any special requests to accommodate?


Please complete the following information only if you are interested in a tour and educational activities (over 60 minutes)

 Cloud Chambers

 Radiation Hunt

 Principles of Radiation

 Reactor Demonstration and Tour

 Simple Decay of Ag-108 

 Neutron Radiography - Basic

Activities - Advanced Groups Only:

 Complex Decay of Ag-108 and Ag-110 

 Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)/Gamma Ray Spectroscopy

 Neutron Radiography - Advanced

 Reactor Demonstration with Predicting Control Rod Positions

Other - please explain:

Optional Information:

Contact Classification (e.g., faculty, chaperone, administration, etc.):

Highest Degree Completed:

Grades or Level Taught:

Subjects Taught:

Years of Teaching Experience:

Anti-Spam Question - What is 2+3?


101 Breazeale Nuclear Reactor
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: 814-865-6351


The Radiation Science & Engineering Center (RSEC) was established to manage Penn State's comprehensive nuclear research facilities, including the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor, Gamma Irradiation Facility, Radioactive sources and Radiation measurement resources. The RSEC provides safe nuclear analytical and testing facilities in support of the research and education activities of faculty, staff, and students at Penn State.

Radiation Science & Engineering Center

101 Breazeale Nuclear Reactor

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4710

Phone: 814-865-6351